Course Overview Training Courses
The Fundamentals of Pistol Course is designed to develop proficiency in safety and handling of firearms and introduces students to the core skills of the Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Combat Shooting System. Students will be able to safely manage, carry, and operate a pistol. All will gain valuable knowledge about ammunition selection, limitations, and the capabilities of a pistol. Students will be tasked with completing various exercises using techniques which are designed, to create a solid foundation of shooting fundamentals and increase the shooters overall ability with the weapon.

Handgun Safety
Fundamentals of Pistol Marksmanship
Care and Maintenance of your pistol
Accessories, Equipment and Gear Placement
Introduction to the Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Combat Shooting System
Loading, Unloading and Chamber Checks
Ready Positions
The Tactical Draw
Combat Reloads
Identifying and clearing of basic stoppages - malfunctions
Marksmanship Skills
Trigger control
Recoil Management
Positional Shooting Techniques
The following equipment list is the minimum standard for students to arrive with. Students may add to this list with other personal equipment as required.
Pistol (zeroed or sighted in)
(3) Magazines
Magazine carrier
ANSI Eye and Ear Protection
Appropriate range attire
Water – Hydration
Snacks - lunch
Pistol - 200 rounds
Price $250
The Fundamentals of Carbine Course is designed to develop proficiency in safety and handling of firearms and introduces students to the core skills of the Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Combat Shooting System. Students will be able to safely manage, carry, and operate a carbine. All will gain valuable knowledge about ammunition selection, limitations, and the capabilities of a carbine. Students will be tasked with completing various exercises using techniques which are designed, to create a solid foundation of shooting fundamentals and increase the shooters overall ability with the weapon.
Firearm Safety
Fundamentals of Marksmanship
Care and Maintenance of your carbine
Accessories, Equipment and Gear Placement
Introduction to the Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Combat Shooting System
Loading, Unloading and Chamber Checks
Ready Positions
The Tactical Draw
Combat Reloads
Identifying and clearing of basic stoppages - malfunctions
Marksmanship Skills
Trigger control
Positional Shooting Techniques
The following equipment list is the minimum standard for students to arrive with. Students may add to this list with other personal equipment as required.
Carbine rifle (zeroed or sighted in)
(4) Magazines
Magazine carrier
ANSI Eye and Ear Protection
Appropriate range attire
Water – Hydration
Snacks - lunch
Ammo - 300 rounds
Price $250
This 1 Day course introduces potential operators to the Principles, Techniques and Operational skills needed to transition from a Primary weapon platform to a secondary(Handgun) while engaging threats and obstacles. This is particularly useful in Active Shooter, Home Defense and any other scenario where a single defender has to engage and navigate through a stressful and potentially life-threatening crisis situations.
Pistol Tactical Ready Positions
Scanning Procedures -Protocols
Trigger Management, Sight Management & Recoil Management
Multiple Targets Engagements / Target Transitions / Advanced Turning Procedures
Carbine Presentations
Carbine to Pistol Transitions
Pistol to Carbine Transitions
Recovery & Individual Protection Drill
Stoppage Clearances
Combat Reloads
Shooting while Moving
Barricaded Shooting
The following equipment list is the minimum standard for students to arrive with. Students may augment this list with other personal equipment as required.
Carbine & Combat Sling
Combat Optic
3 –5 Carbine Magazines
3 pistol magazines
OWB / Plate Carrier to hold Carbine & Pistol Mags
Semi-auto Pistol Duty type & OWB or Combat Holster
Mil Spec Duty Belt
ANSI type Eye & Ear Protection
Range Appropriate Attire
Hydration / Snacks – lunch
Carbine - 300 rounds
Pistol - 300 rounds
Price $350
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Combat Shooting System and increase individual skills in combat marksmanship through a progressive and challenging training program.
Students will be introduced to the concepts and skills designed to increase their speed, enhance efficiency using GETT weapons handling procedures. Students will conduct a series of progressive training evaluations, and combat type accuracy drills under direct instructor supervision. The course will culminate with instructor led skills and proficiency tests to assess each individual student's proficiency. The testing phase will consist of students performing Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Combat Shooting Standards which consist of a series of individual timed skills, drills, weapons handling and marksmanship.
Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Fundamental Pistol Course.
Advanced Combat Shooting Fundamentals
Ready Positions
The Draw Stroke Technique
Combat & Tactical Reloads
Stoppage Clearances
Multiple Targets & Target Transitions
Sight Management
Recoil Management
Trigger Management
Dynamic Turns
Shooting While Moving
Use of Cover & Positional Shooting
One Handed Shooting Drills
Combat Shooting Standards
The following equipment list is the suggested minimum standard for students to arrive with. Students may add to this list with other personal equipment as required.
Pistol (No Sub-compact Pistols)
Holster (Outside waistband only)
Sturdy Pistol or Duty Belt
Minimum of 4 Magazines
Magazine Carriers for 2 Magazines
ANSI type Eye Protection
ANSI type Ear Protection
Range appropriate Attire
Duty - Tactical Footwear
Snacks - lunch
Pistol - 500 rounds
Price: $550
The 2-Day Combat Carbine course has been developed to introduce students to the Global Elite Tactical Training (GETT) Combat System Shooting System methodology with weapons handling, needed to safely carry, control, managing and operations for a carbine. The course is designed to provide an experienced shooter with the core skills of protective carbine deployment. Students will gain operational knowledge on the AR platform and on the choices for ammunition selection for use in protective applications. Lectures include your weapons operational capabilities and limitations. Students will be instructed on techniques creating a reliable and systematic foundation in the shooting fundamentals while preparing them, for advanced combat training.
Previous graduates of the GETT Fundamentals of Carbine Course
Overview of Marksmanship Fundamentals
Rifle Ready Positions: Low, High and Compression variants
IADs (Immediate Action Drills)
Combat Reloads
Tactical Reloads
Combat Mindset
Engaging targets from contact drills
Target Recognition and Engagement
Weapon Stoppages & Clearance Procedures
Combat Shooting Evaluations
Trigger & Recoil Management
Sight Management
Stress Induced Target Shooting
Shooting While Moving
Bilateral & Multi-target Shooting Skills
Collateral damage assessments
Barricaded Shooting & Positional Shooting Techniques
Tactical Use of Cover
Unit to contact movement and engagement drills
The following equipment list is a suggested to be the minimum standard for students to arrive with. Students may augment this list with other personal equipment as required.
Serviceable Carbine/ Rifle & Sling
(5) Carbine Magazines (minimum)
Magazine Carriers (belt or vest)
ANSI type Eye & Ear Protection (Electronic Ear Pro Preferred)
Weapon cleaning kit
Range wear (Duty uniform, utility BDU type - pants, a t-shirt, boots or tactical shoes)
Combat Optic
Body Armor Level 3 A or above
Shooting Gloves, Knee Protection & Hat – Baseball Cap
Hydration & Snacks – lunch
Carbine - 600 rounds
PRICE: $550
Operator Carbine & Pistol Course: 3 Days
This 3-day course of instruction has been created to teach operators combat shooting and transitions with both pistol and carbine. The course will commence with modules to enhance the operators pistol skills in combat marksmanship and weapons handling. We begin introducing the principles of close quarters combat at this level. Training progresses to the transitions of pistol and carbine while engaging hostile fire to movement scenarios.
Day 1, operators will develop techniques to enhance pistol draw, improve sight management, trigger management, while emphasizing sharpened weapons handling skills. Operators will complete specific lesson objectives for each defined skills set, resulting in higher level of pistol skills under stress.
Day 2, training will progress to the pistol and carbine transitions where operators will develop their combat shooting techniques and procedures. Operators will complete exercises and meet course objectives for each skillset. All of this will culminate in a Combat Skills Proficiency Test.
Day 3, operators will develop techniques to engage threats at various distances. Instruction will include positional shooting, combat set ups and combat dynamics with weapons skills. Operators will be taught some barricaded shooting techniques, stoppage clearances with fire to movement to contact, procedures. Operators will learn how to move tactically in pairs while applying the skills taught during the course.
Graduates of the Global Elite Fundamental and Combat Courses in Carbine and Pistol.
GETT Shooting Skills Proficiency System
The Pistol Draw
Pistol Tactical Ready Positions
Scanning Procedures -Protocols
Trigger Management, Sight Management & Recoil Management
Multiple Targets Engagements / Target Transitions / Advanced Turning Procedures
Carbine Presentations
Carbine to Pistol Transitions
Pistol to Carbine Transitions
Recovery & Individual Protection Drill
Stoppage Clearances
Combat Reloads
Shooting while Moving
Barricaded Shooting
Positional Shooting
Combat Set Ups for Equipment
Dynamic Weapons Handling
GETT Operator Standards
The following equipment list is the minimum standard for students to arrive with. Students may augment this list with other personal equipment as required.
Carbine & Combat Sling
Combat Optic
5 – 7 Carbine Magazines
Semi-auto Pistol Duty type & OWB or Combat Holster
Mil Spec Duty Belt
3 Pistol Magazines
ANSI type Eye & Ear Protection
Range Appropriate Attire
Body Armor minimum level 3A & Ballistic Helmet minimum level 3A
Hydration / Snacks - lunch
Carbine - 1000 rounds
Pistol - 750 rounds
Price $950
This course is designed to develop the existing skillsets of military and Law Enforcement in the fundamental tactics, techniques, and procedures to conduct team level, structural based and dynamic close quarters room combat. The strategy and tactics instructed during this course, are currently utilized by military or law enforcement personnel in various specialist police units and specialized security teams.
This dynamic 5-day course of instruction has been designed to provide operators with initial instruction in close quarters battle. Lessons in the individual, team and platoon level tactics, techniques, procedures, and methodologies in current use by elite special operations units.
Training will include lectures and education on the application of dynamic CQB, safety policies, the priority of threat sequence, strong wall tactics, penetration points and dynamics, corner and center fed rooms, areas of responsibility, arcs of fire discipline
Room Clearance combat lessons and exercises are designed to improve individual skills and include door entry procedures, downed team shooter procedures, fire to -contact procedures and communication while operating as 2- and 4-man team units. During this instruction, operators will be trained in our proprietary CQB Room Combat Barricade Scenarios that forms the framework of our CQB tactics.
Training will progress to team-based tactics that has been developed to enhance and refine, Individual, Team, and Platoon Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). Lessons will include hallway movement procedures for assault teams to engage tactically and securely along corridors, clearing Ls, Ts & 4-ways utilizing procedures to clear stairwells and last room procedures.
During this final section of instruction, operators will be introduced to interior stack, hold and flow tactical advance formations, restrictions and control measures to establish team and platoon level SOP/s during CQB clearance operations.
Operators will learn how to secure the stronghold during post assault procedures, establishing and maintaining marshalling areas, how to conduct hostage and suspect handling, marking procedures, evacuation procedures and post - incident protocols.
On the final day of training, operators will receive detailed instruction on team level emergency action, deliberate action assault planning, preparation, and mission execution. Operators will participate in force on force, scenario-based training using role players and non-lethal training ammunition which has been developed to evaluate the tactics used and assess the operators performance.
Eligibility Level:
*Military & Law Enforcement or successful graduates of Global Elite Tactical Training advanced classes. *
Successful Graduates of the GETT Academy, Law Enforcement Officers, or Licensed Private Security Professionals
This course can be formatted using live fire in ballistic shoot house facilities and Role players for scenario-based training simulations
Understand the various types of CQB including Hostage Rescue
Understand actions for door for both corner and center fed rooms
Understand fundamentals room combat barrier scenarios as two-man and four-man entries
Tactically advance formations in hallways with point man and the number two man driving the train using team signals and passive kinetics calls
Utilize single and dual stack inside hallways, and ‘L’ and “T” intersections
Understand how to accomplish moving through procedures and deconfliction
Understand stairwell movement and target flow
Conduct full team target clearances using force on paper and force on force with role players
Conduct post assault procedures, stronghold security and marshaling procedures
Dynamic CQB Briefing
Safety Requirements
Threat Priorities PTI / NTI
CQB Communication
Areas of Responsibility
Corner & Center Fed Rooms
Strong Wall Procedures
Points of Penetration
2-Man, 4-Man & Team Level Tactics
Door Procedures
Entry Procedures
Movement Procedures
Single Room Combat
Multi Room Combat
Fundamentals of CQB Room Combat Barricade Scenarios
Threat & Non-Threat Scenarios (Shoot - No Shoot)
Downed Team Shooter Procedures
Hallway Procedures
Open & Closed Doors / Opposing Doors Protocols
Control Measures / Interior Stack, Hold & Flow
Dynamic Flow Restrictions
De-confliction Procedures
Chem-light application / Lines of Communication
Limits of Exploitation
Stairwell Procedures / Secondary Clearances
Post Assault Procedures / Marshalling Procedures
IED Procedures & Evacuations
Hostage & Suspect Handling
Emergency & Direct-Action Assaults
Combat Lifesaving Skills
The following equipment list is a suggested to be the minimum standard for students to arrive with. Students may augment this list with other personal equipment as required.
Ballistic helmet & Assault Armor Level 3 or above
Ballistic eye wear / Hearing Protection
Shooting Gloves
Combat uniform BDU type or equivalent
Pistol with weapon light
Gun belt with Pistol Holster
Magazine carrier, pistol (enough for 3 magazines)
Duty Carbine with Combat optic, sling, weapon mounted light
Magazines, rifle x 5, Magazines, pistol x 3 mags
Chem-lights (red/green/blue)
Safety Equipment for Reality Based Training
Boots/suitable footwear
Note taking materials
Batteries for all equipment
The following ammunition is required for live fire courses.
Live Ammunition:
Carbine - 500 rounds
Pistol -200 rounds
Non-Lethal Training Ammunition:
Carbine - 300 rounds
Pistol - 100 rounds
Price: $3000